Extraordinary Poop Powers of Penguins

Penguins are some of the most lovable animals out in nature.

Although they are birds, they cannot fly, so why do people love them so much?

They steal people’s hearts with their funny walk and unique black and white body. It is like they are wearing tuxedos. And they can survive in some of the toughest places on Earth. But did you know they have a weird habit? They can launch ‘poop bombs’ with amazing accuracy and distance!

They can do what?

Yeah, even scientists are interested in this crazy skill.

Penguin poop is not your average bird droppings

Extraordinary Poop Powers of Penguins 01
By Martin St-Amant (S23678) – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

What comes to your mind when you think about penguins?

Their cute walk?

Their black and white feathers?

Or maybe their great swimming skills?

But these birds have another special skill that people do not talk much about. Their power to launch poop missiles with incredible speed and distance. Yes, you read that correctly. Penguins are experts at doing this. Scientists call these “poop bombs” or “poop projectiles.” When they do this, they quickly tighten their stomach muscles and aim and shoot their poop an amazing 4-5 feet away from themselves. And they can aim their poop bombs accurately. But why do penguins have this strange skill?

This is not just a random thing they do. They do this to protect their nests, eggs, and babies from enemies. Sometimes they use these poop bombs against other penguins who try to take over their space.

How do they look?

Their look depends on the penguin type and what they eat, but they are usually semi-solid with a cylinder-like shape.

The science behind the smelly specials

Extraordinary Poop Powers of Penguins 02
By Rob Oo from NL – Hairy Chest, CC BY 2.0,

Penguins can launch ‘poop bombs’ because of their unique body design and functions. Penguins have an efficient digestive system, unlike most birds. They squeeze out all the good nutrients from their food and leave behind the compact, almost-solid poop. This makes it easier to shoot.

And those strong muscles penguins use for swimming and diving?

They also come in handy for launching poop bombs. Penguins contract these muscles in a specific way to build up pressure. But it is not just about power. It is how they position themselves. They tilt their tails up and clench their muscles in a certain way. This gives their poop the perfect angle and speed to fly far and wide.

Scientists dug into penguin poop

Scientists have conducted two studies on this interesting behavior. The first research was done in 2003 by Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow. This study focused on how much pressure Chinstrap and Adélie penguins need to shoot their poop horizontally, their most common way to go.

They found out that the pressure in a pooping penguin’s rectum is about 3 times stronger than what a human can produce! This groundbreaking study won the researchers an Ig Nobel Prize in 2005 for fluid dynamics.

A newer study in 2020 looked at the question again. This study focused on a different poop path in Humboldt penguins. They often poop in a downward curve away from their nests on higher ground. The scientists recalculated the pressures inside the penguin’s stomach and bottom, correcting for the thickness of the poop and factoring in air resistance along a curving path.

They found that the pressure needed for this type of poop shot is even more extreme! The pressure created in the bottoms of pooping penguins was calculated to be as much as 28.2 kilopascals (kPa) — about 1.4 times the estimate in the 2003 study.

So, how far do those penguin poop bombs fly?

To put this in perspective, imagine a human trying to shoot poop that far. With that kind of pressure, a human could probably launch theirs over 10 feet (3 meters)! Even though Humboldt penguins are only about 2 feet tall, they can use this pressure to shoot their poop like a projectile. These “bombs” fly at almost 5 mph (8 km/h) and can travel up to 53 inches (1.34 meters). That’s almost twice as long as the penguin itself!


The “poop bombs” idea might seem funny or even gross at first, but it’s actually a really amazing example of how animals adapt and find ways to survive in nature. Their strong poop blast keeps their nests clean and germ-free. It is very important for penguins to raise their babies. Just like some dogs pee on fire hydrants, penguins also use their poop to mark their territory and keep other penguins away.

Studies show penguins can shoot their poop with way more force than a human.

Can you imagine launching something that far with just your muscle?

Pretty impressive, right?

So, the next time you see a penguin walking around, remember that under that cute look, there is a true expert at shooting poop. This unique skill has helped these amazing birds live in some of the most challenging places on Earth. It is best to admire this skill from far away unless you want to get hit by a well-aimed “poop bomb.”

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